Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Great Journey of Lent

As some of you know, this whole experiment of 40 Day programs originates for me in the unique choice of 40 days as a time frame for various types of preparation in various spiritual traditions.

Today, being Ash Wednesday, begins one of those 40 day explorations that have been programmed into calendars for millenia.

So I've decided to try another reset-restart moment and begin anew the 40 days I started a couple of weeks ago. The difference this time is that I plan on taking this in a more internal, thoughtful, prayerful, restful direction. I've done a lot of big plans, big changes explorations and they've all met with varying degrees of success.

This time, I'm going to take a bit of E's advice (see... I really do pay attention from time to time) and move things to a slower, more reflective pace.

Personally... I'm curious to see where this takes me.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Act One - Groundhog Day Becomes A Love Supreme

As The Nord pointed out in his comment on the previous post, I'm now nearly two weeks into this new cycle... so what have I learned and how am I doing... any way?

Two weeks on... exploring the directions that I want to go, the last 12 days have been a definite first act, finding the characters, learning the landscape (again) spending time noticing what the content of my life is really about.

The supremely (the pun was unintended but I've decided to keep it anyway) beautiful "A Love Supreme" by John Coltrane is playing as I write this and the structure which Coltrane places into his musical magnum opus (and in my opinion, the best recording ever made) reflects most particularly what I am feeling at the moment... Acknowledgement is the name of the first movement, and acknowledgement - facing, looking, considering, and nodding at my life as if it is a friend on the other side of a crowded room - is what the last 12 days have been like.

Over the last two weeks I have been extremely busy with a recording project, a set of personal dramas within the local club I am a part of, raising money in order to get through the "new world order," and searching through the ways to put all my plans (enumerated below) into motion. It's been a frenetic, thoroughly unbalanced and only minimally productive period of time. There's a lot going on, but most days it really seems like sitting on a stationary bike, peddling my ass off, and getting absolutely nowhere.

So, yesterday, in the midst of all the craziness, I simply stopped to lift my head up and take a look around.


1. an act of acknowledging.
2. recognition of the existence or truth of something: the acknowledgment of a sovereign power.
3. an expression of appreciation.
4. a thing done or given in appreciation or gratitude.

As in the beautiful pattern of Coltrane's piece, the first act is about recognizing the reality of the life I have. It's about looking, but not just looking, it's about SEEING what's in front of me. Only then is it possible to begin working with what's there. This is really not that different from what I was talking about in the last post. As I think about it, the key to the basic idea in Groundhog Day is that the main character must first notice what's going on before he can begin to transform that reality.

So there we are... Act One - Acknowledgement

Taking the time to look and to see
Paying attention to the patterns as they unfold
Recognizing what feels right
Seeking to find the thread


Thanks again to The Nord. I discovered a new blog this morning by a photographer from San Francisco, Rebecca Jackrel, She is presently out on a true 40 Days to Life adventure, which frankly makes my repetitive attempts at a search for meaning seem like so much cream of wheat (and I really hate cream of wheat!).

Monday, February 2, 2009

From Groundhog Day to the Ides of March

So here we go again... It's Groundhog Day and as I mentioned in my Quicksilver blog, I've decided to use Punxatawny Phil's annual prediction to jump start another 40 Days to Life.

It's been just over a month since I abandoned the last program and in that time a lot of things have sprung up. It's been a chaotic, crazy, distracting time and I am feeling the need of a focus, a set of goals, and a plan to bring me back to some kind of driving potential that lets me feel like I'm "getting somewhere."

So what do I hope to accomplish this time around?

Here's my Day One list... It's in no particular order, and subject to change without notice.

Physical - I am FINALLY going to start running again - My 40 Day Goal is an across the Bay 12K on March 15.

Creative - I will finish the first draft of my novel, Dan and Dianne and the screenplay for The Reunion.

Business - Finish the incorporation of Quicksilver Amusements, select and begin ONE new production project. Begin the process of finding a new agent.

Educational - Begin learning French (again).

Income - I have an income goal, but I'm going to keep that to myself.

Personal - I will finish and submit my application for Irish citizenship. As with the above, I have other personal goals but I'm going to keep those to myself.

Spiritual - Continue daily meditation discipline - Journal at Bleeding Daylight.

Throughout the process, there are several things that I have picked up over the previous iterations of this process that work and that I intend to keep.

These include:

• A clear and intentional relational connection. I will actively engage and be involved with the people I have been given to inhabit and nurture my heart.

• Daily meditation practice.

• Continued attention to my diet and my health (most people probably do this as a matter of course... not me... I have to focus on it).

• Email/Internet discipline - Email checks three times a day... Weekly Digital Sabbath.

• Volunteer activities and charitable giving.

• A weekly afternoon committed to volunteering, personal growth, education, and friendship.

Here we go!