Wednesday, December 10, 2008

40.3.10b - It's The Economy Stupid

This entire program of 40 Day slots has been integrally tied to, among other things, a process of getting my finances in order and following in on a whole collection of ways to plant myself more solidly on financial ground.

For the first series things went pretty well. For the second series enough was still working, and enough improvements had been made that I was feeling pretty strong and pretty positive despite the beginnings of truly dire economic circumstances.

At this juncture, this is no longer the case, and this week has been the perfect nightmare of complete financial, and subsequently planning, meltdown. Accounts that owe me money are not paying, and don't look like they are going to pay any time soon. Projects that were strong and on the table have been canceled or seriously dialed back and other plans that seemed virtually bullet proof two months ago are now hanging precariously off the cliff of "we're not sure what we're going to be doing in the next few months."

The effect of all this is to not only turn my financial plans into turmoil, but my emotional, spiritual, and practical plans as well.

In other words... this week has been something close to a complete meltdown.

So this is, as an old preacher I used to listen to always said, "where the rubber meets the road."

The real test of whether this structure I am trying to build my life around has any validity at all hangs completely on the question of whether I can keep my sanity, my personal strength, and my focus while everything around me is crashing down. Can I keep my commitments? Can I reach, at least some of, my goals?

The proof of whether any of the work I've done over the last 90 days is truly worthwhile will come now.

Will it help me through this quagmire?

Can I make it past THIS wall?

If I can... I think I'm home free!


Anonymous said...

and you are called to be faithful, not wonderful. You can do that! e

Thom said...

But I want to be both!!!

Anonymous said...

and you are.... just some days it feels as if one quality shines more than the other. e