Tuesday, December 30, 2008

40.3.30 - Taking a HOLIDAY!

Okay... I should have known better than to take on yet another 40 day plan during the holiday season.

There's a reason it's called "THE HOLIDAY SEASON!"

Like I said in the previous post, winter is a time of hibernation and despite everything we as humans do to pretend like we are not subject to such "laws of nature" the fact is... we are.

SO... rather than continue battling the inevitable, I've decided to do what I have wanted to do for years. I'm declaring myself "on vacation" until January 15th. Unfortunately, this isn't going to mean that I get to go off to Hawaii for the next three weeks. It doesn't even mean that I will be able to drop out of several of my ongoing work projects, however, it does mean that I am going to take a break from 40 Days and I am going to spend a lot of time reflecting on what I've learned in these three series. I'll probably be blogging on that at least a little bit, so check back in from time to time.

I WILL be taking some significant periods of personal time to read, journal and plan for the new year. I am hoping to spend some days in my own retreat (either with a group or on my own) during this time, and I expect to start a new 40 Day series (or something similar that might grow out of these next few weeks of reflection) on Monday January 19.

In the meantime... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what might it be like to practiee living in Grace for awhile, not having to DO anything in order to be beloved of the Mystery... It's worth a try. Love to you. Happy New Year! e