Wednesday, December 3, 2008

40.3.3 - Process Is Product

So here I am at the keyboard... three days into a new set of 40.

What do I have behind me?

I have a solid foundation of work (both creative work and practical/woodshedding work) on a schedule that, while it may sometimes get derailed temporarily by the exigencies of any given day, pretty much keeps me on track.

I have found a way to intentionally (rather than accidentally) find rest and nurturance in my hours, days, and weeks.

I have begun putting several bits and pieces of my life back together after letting them fall apart almost completely after Katrina and I have started work on physical and educational disciplines I keep talking about doing but rarely get around to.

Now I'm ready to do more.

One of my goals (perhaps the primary goal) for this time around is to continue whittling away at that schedule... increasing the time I spend on the creative and expansive while decreasing the time and increasing the productivity of the woodshed work. And that actually seems to be a lot of what this process is becoming across the board; a sort of chipping away at the extraneous material that fills up life without product, enlightenment, or reward, then honing down and polishing what's left in order to bring out the heart of what I want. It's not unlike the process of sculpting something in clay.

There is a very real sense in which it's beginning to look like The Process is the real point of the whole endeavor.

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