Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 37 - The Final 10%

As of this morning, there are four days left.

10% of my six week program ahead... 90% behind me.

What have I accomplished?

What have I left undone?

These are the questions that have been running through my brain almost constantly for the last several days.

The fact is that I have FULLY accomplished only a few of the tasks I set out to complete. I have however made major progress on most of them and in most areas of my life. There are another few tasks which I have not even touched on as of today, but one of my goals for this week is to at least touch on even those. I want to have, at least in some way, addressed each one.

What I am looking at this morning is the question of where do I go from here?

In his book "Beyond The Summit", Todd Skinner comments on the challenges of the last 10%. "In the last ten percent of any endeavor, you are asked to do the most with the least resources left. As you approach the summit, you have less strength, fewer supplies, and more hostile conditions." He also makes some very encouraging observations. My favorite is, "... this is a much smaller mountain than the one you started with." He points out that having made it to this point you have learned a lot of new skills that make you a better climber, and while the task may be harder... it is indeed a smaller task.

Now that I think of it... the task really isn't "where do I go from here?" Right now, the task is FINISHING.

Where do I go from here???? Up!