Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 23 - Zydeco Tuesday

Yesterday was a day of more chaos and disorganization than any day since I began this program. I didn't run, I didn't meditate, I didn't even eat. I wrote, but not in the same way, or on the same things, that I try to work (at least a little bit) with every day.

It was a flat out crazy-quilt day.

At the same time... my energy was definitely up and I got a lot of things done. It was probably one of my most productive days in the last three weeks. This is pretty much counterintuitive to the whole idea behind what I'm trying to do, but I guess that's another one of those lessons that I probably need to learn.

The fact is, you can plan your ass off, but no matter how well prepared you are, no matter how rigidly you try to fix the system to work in what you perceive to be your favor, SOMETHING is going to throw a wrench into the system at some point along the way.

When that happens you can fight it (my normal tendency) or you can dance with it. You can struggle to keep things moving in march time, or you can kick up your heels and dance with the music the band is playing.

Sometimes (most times?) dancing is the best choice.

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