Sunday, October 5, 2008

Days 27 & 28 - A real weekend!

So on Saturday I actually made it up bright and early, got coffee and a shower, packed the beer into the cooler, grabbed "my buddy and my girl" and headed of for San Francisco and Warren Hellman's Emmylou Harris Festival.

The day started out rainy but was followed by fog breaking to clear blue sunny skies by afternoon. The music was fabulous, the company was superb. It was a serendipitous Perfect Moment; it was a reminder of why I am diving head first into this whole process.

Sunday was a little bit crazy, but still a solid, restful, creative day that included breakfast, a teenage soccer match, work on the computer (something I try not to do, but this was special... and important) for a friend who was putting together a presentation on New Orleans, dinner with friends (complete with killer rice and Andouille sausage) and baseball on the couch in the living room with Karen and her mom.

There were several times during the day when I wanted to break down, where I was insistent that I MUST break down, and "work," but when it all came out in the wash, a cooler, wiser, more grounded spirit prevailed and I let myself rest... Ready for the week ahead.

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