Monday, October 13, 2008

Days 34 & 35 - Miracle of Miracles!

Another weekend passed with a lot of activity, pretty much all of it relaxing.

I'm sure that for a lot of people this seems like a really ridiculous element to be focusing on in this program, but with each passing week it becomes more and more clear to me that the idea of rest and recharge for body, mind and spirit, is one of the most central factors in achieving new goals; it may in fact be the MOST significant factor.

Comparatively, it's easy to set goals. It's harder to work productively toward those goals, but it may be hardest of all to rest on the journey. It is the difference between REST and QUITTING that is important here. It is a difference which I have had a hard time seeing for most of my life.

Until about a year ago, I had pretty much lost all sense of what it means to truly rest. I would work incessantly... in the early mornings, late into the evening, all weekend, and during even the little short "vacations" we might take away. I was extremely inconsistent with staying on point with tasks I wanted to complete, but that didn't keep me from staying busy.

BUSY-ness was more of what I was doing. Business took a back seat.

What I had begun to put into practice before I started this 40 day cycle, and which I have gradually developed into a habit over the last six weeks, is the idea of actually resting and rejuvenating whether that is through recreation, family time, cultural enrichment, spiritual pursuit, or taking a nap.

The work requires the rest.

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