Saturday, September 13, 2008

Catching Up and Casting Off

This first Saturday of my 40 Days has been about doing everything that I didn't do earlier in the week. Some of that was simply REST, and some of that has been work, the little extras of work that fall through the cracks.

This afternoon I spent a great deal of time digging into my financial hopes, dreams and plans to create a spreadsheet of Income and Expense (something that I have only done once before in my entire life). That done, my next step is to look at those elements of income and expense and lay down the framework for buying into and planning out the way that picture can work.

If, for example, I'm going to sell audio tour ads during October to begin financing a new set of audio tours, I now have to come up with the sales plan and the related materials. If I'm going to develop a separate set of tour materials for sale online I have to develop the business plan and investment strategy to make that work. Anyone who has done this for as long as I have ought to know this instinctually... Me, I've got to create it out of whole cloth each time I start.

But that's what Saturday is about... Taking care of the stuff that got left on the stack the week before, preparing for the week to come, an, in the midst of it all, trying to find tie to have a little fun.

By all accounts... It's been a pretty good day.

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