Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ready... Set...

For several years I have worked over and over in an attempt to take a specific 6 week period (inspired by Jesus' sojourn in the desert and other symbolic transformational journeys). The problem is that either I have not put them together in a way that makes any sense, or I'm too anal about what I lay down as guidelines and goals and when I stumble I fall and don't get up... or something (like Katrina for one thing) happens.

Like Roseanne Roseannadanna said... "It's always something."

Well, tomorrow morning, fresh on the ending of a year long love affair, I have decided it's time to try once more. As part of my discipline this time, I've decided to blog the entire journey. I'll write about what I'm hoping to make happen. I'll write about my goals for the 6 weeks and I'll document the achievements, and inevitable failings, of each part of the journey. With this regimen in front of me, my thought is that, at the very least, I will FINISH the plan (he says hopefully).

If it really works I'll have a map (and maybe a book) that shows the path that got me there.

See you in the morning.

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