Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 17 - Slooowwwwwwly I turn... Step by step...

You have to be of "a certain age" to remember the Three Stooges routine I reference in the title.

What brings it to mind this afternoon has nothing to do with The Three Stooges, but with the process of the day.

The week has been a good one so far. I've pulled together a schedule and started on several new goals that were in the list two weeks ago but which I didn't begin to address until yesterday. At the same time, there are other parts of the plan that seem to slip through my grasp.

In particular is a plan that I have labored over for nearly three years; an attempt to turn Wednesday into what it was for the Mouseketeers... Anything Can Happen Day! For me, it's intended to take this afternoon smack in the middle of the week and give me a chance to do research, explore new ideas, go to a museum, or the library... ANYTHING that can push me over the hump of hump day and into the rest of the week, supercharged with ideas and ready to complete important tasks.

What it's turned into (almost every week for the last three years) is a day of pick me ups and catch ups; a day when the things that got lost in the first part of the week get tied up (or at least wrapped in a bow). Frankly, this isn't a bad thing per se, but it isn't what I've been trying to make happen.

What it is, is another part of the process... Each element, each task, needs practice and grace. Each step is only partial. It's a marathon not a long jump.

Slooowwwwwwly I turn... just don't mention Niagra Falls.

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