Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 11 - What Really Matters?

One of the primary failures (perhaps THE primary failure) of my attempt at these programs has been the fact that I spend incredible amounts of time on things that have little or no relation to what I want my life to be like or about.

This has been the case for most of my adult life.

When my daughter was little, I made the distinct choice to figure out a way to work from home and to spend as much time as possible with her. I volunteered at school, went on field trips, hung out at home when she had friends over, shopped for dinner, cooked dinner, drove around for important events... and pretty much messed up completely by having too few resources to do some of the "special" things, or having something that distracted me from the moment, or somehow simply missing out on a whole lot of the very opportunities I had wanted to increase by making the choices I made.

Why did it happen that way? Misplaced priorities and a lack of attention to detail.

Throughout several business ventures, while being engaged in things that I like, I have rarely taken the time (work time, leisure time, friend time) to really do the things I love.

Why did it happen that way? Misplaced priorities and a lack of attention to detail.

I could go on and on in a self-indulgent diatribe on the way I have shuffled my way through much of my existence, but if you know me you already have most of the details; if you don't know me you probably don't want to hear about it anyway.

To use one very simple and clear illustration (and make Hoz happy in the process)... One word... Surfing.

So... what does that have to do with me today on the eleventh day of this forty day excursion?

Choice... Timing... Focus.

What matters most?

For some reason it's very easy for me to spend time working on projects that don't pay anything, or don't pay enough, out of some sort of charitable inclination (or at least that's what I tell myself), but the truth is that something else is going on. These thigs that consume my time in this way are not "charitable" causes, they are rarely the most important things on the agenda, and they are often well down that list. Somewhere I am getting distracted from the real goal. Somehow I'm not asking the right questions.

I have a lot of things I want to accomplish in this 40 days, among them a number of business things that hang around my neck like a half dozen Albatross, tasks I just can't seem to complete, and plans and structures for new activities that I just don't get around to putting in place.

It's time to focus on the central questions. Out of this whole list of things (and the things that aren't on the list but nevertheless impose themselves on my psyche) what is truly facilitative? What brings satisfaction? What provides what I need?

What... is... IMPORTANT?

What do I really want?

1 comment:

Blogger said...

I just got a check for $500.

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn by taking paid surveys online...

So I took a video of myself getting paid over $500 for filling paid surveys to set the record straight.