Monday, September 22, 2008

Days 13 and 14

Saturday and Sunday this week were once again a set of sort of catch up days.

It was both frustrating and engaging on Saturday to have a wonderful event to go to at the vineyards of Roshambo winery up in Dry creek, and event that my daughter and her hubby were planning to attend as well, but to feel like I had to much toehr work to catch up on, too many irons in the fire, to take the day for "the fun of it."

Instead, I stayed home, got some of the online work I needed to accomplish finished and then got involved in a bunch of the typical kinds of things (house cleaning, shopping, washing the clothes) that always interfere with life sooner or later.

It was however a good day for learning the very thing I wrote about two days before. Despite the fact that I had an invitation to an exceptionally fun event that I really wanted to attend, I have to say that I was indeed happy to stay at home, to work, and to get things done.

Sunday went the way I keep trying to make it go... No work, no computer (well, almost no computer) and a lot of rest, thought, spirit and relationship.

Watched the last game at Yankee Stadium and cried.

It was a good good day.

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