Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 19 - Halfway Home

Today is the last day of the first half of the 40 days. Tomorrow is the actual halfway point, but considering that my goal arrives three weeks from today, it seems worthwhile in my mind,such as it is, to place myself at the center of the line today.

So where am I?

What have I accomplished... what have I done well... What needs work... What is left to be done?

• I have made great progress on the underlying groundwork for what I want. My personal schedule and my basic discipline at maintaining it is the best it's been in a long time, maybe better than I've ever been.

• I have picked up certain disciplines and behaviors (a regulation on how and when I get email, talk on the phone, write, read, workout, etc.) that are necessary for keeping things moving forward. These are the kinds of things that don't seem like a big deal to people who have to go into the office every day, but when, like me, you've worked on your own schedule in your own way for 30 years it can be very easy to lose that disciplined structure and lose the benefits that such structure provides. I haven't succeeded at dialing this in completely (as can be seen from my last two days of posts) but I'm getting close. I am, however, picking up that "Creative Habit" that Twyla Tharpe talks about.

• I have, on some level, at least begun about 90% of the goals I set up on my list. I expect to nail down the rest of them by the beginning of next week. That gives me the last half of this program to target myself full speed ahead.

• I have learned that it is ALL in your mind.

What I have not figured out is how to balance it all. How do you keep the plates spinning AND live a light hearted, conscious life?

Hopefully I will discover that somewhere in the remaining 21 days.

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