Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 15 - Four weeks to go...

This day feels like the moment of truth. This week feels like the real time for challenge.

For my "Monday morning meeting" with myself today, I went back through the goals I set two weeks ago (Goals I really do plan on posting here sometime soon) and considered what I've accomplished, what I have at least made headway on, and what i haven't even started.

I came to the conclusion, that actually, I'm doing a pretty good job.

But this week, it's time to turn up the heat. I feel like the two weeks previous have been a sort of "shake down cruise." I've been rooting around in the dirt of my psyche trying to get a better handle on what I feel like matters and how to make it come to life in the real world.

Today I start up on all the things I have successfully put off. I'm definitely a bit tired, but I'm also ready for more.

Now is when I get to see if all these grandiose plans and dreams have any legs of their own.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading and enjoying your various blogs for quite some time.

I find myself having an issue with your sense of starting over or beginning again. Do we humans ever actually do that? Your thinking reminds me of the often delusional and insidious nature of religion that ensnares one in a repeating and counterproductive cycle that fails to take honest measure of life lived. Life as a continuing process with great strengths and great weaknesses. Seems to me we do not begin again, or go back, but rather continue, perhaps with different choices, and those choices then become the history of our real, not imagined life.

Wishing you great success on your present journey.

Anonymous said...

"Seems to me we do not begin again, or go back, but rather continue, perhaps with different choices, and those choices then become the history of our real, not imagined life."

Isn't that EXACTLY what Thom's talking about? Different choices when confronted with the same set of options?

Personally, I never got the impression he was looking to start again or undo the past, only take a new path from the one he usually takes.

One definition of madness is
Doing the same thing over and over
For ever and ever
Expecting a different result

Maybe he's been watching Lola??


Thom said...

Well, ya know... I would pretty much agree with you regarding the "honest measure of a life lived." However, I am convinced (as I mentioned in a previous blog at ) that we CHANGE or we DIE.

"We humans" may not often "start over" but it is my belief that doing so is a good thing.

The cycle spirals around for sure... and we need to take stock and give good grace to the value (not to mention being "kind" to ourselves) but my belief in change tends to be more related to evolution than to outmoded concepts of religion.

As Rilke this poem ( ) - You MUST change your life.

Thom said...


Very Good illustration... for a... well... you know.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know.

Well, the ball is round...unless of course you're a yank and then I guess the (foot)ball isn't round at all is it?